
Monday, October 5, 2015

Light House at Kanak Durga at Harnai Beach in Ratnagiri district inMaharashtra

After completing Harihareshwar Beach in Raigad district, we boarded the ferry to cross over to Ratnagiri district, as Harnai (beach and forts ) are located there. 
On the way to Harnai, not sure of the name of the place, tall grass growing on either side of the road

 It took us around 20 minutes to cross, via the ferry. Had we traveled by road it would have taken around 1 1/2 to 2 hours of our time. 

The time was now around 10 AM on my watch, and we didn't want to waste any time, so we decided to ask the locals for directions to visit Harnai Beach.
The road near the sea, from where I got a good view of the sea
We did get lost on the way, even though we didn't have the GPS ON, as there were no humans around to ask for directions when the road split into two nor were there any sighboards. 

We took the Kelshi - Aade route to reach Harnai Beach.  A certain part of the thin narrow road had grass as tall as a 6" growing on either side of the road. It was soon replaced by the sea. This is the first time that we have traveled by road so close to the sea. We stopped by for some photo shoots. I don't mind putting up a hammock here between these two trees and sipping on some ice cold beer. 
Panoramic View of the Sea on the way to Harnai
We kept asking locals for directions and finally in a little more than two hours time we were at Harnai. The time was around 12:10 PM on my watch. 

I didn't want to waste any time, as we had to visit the Light House at Kanak Durga, Fattegad, Goa Fort and finally Suvarnadurg in the middle of the water. We headed straight to the jetty to inquire about the ferry to take us to Survanadurg fort. We were informed that it is high tide and so the ferry service would resume at 4:00 PM. We decided to visit the Light House at Kanak Durga Fort aka Kanak durga Fort. 
View of the creek and sea atop a long bridge on the way to Harnai Beach
The jetty is located at the base of the Light House at Kanak Durga. Though the stairs leading to the top are from the other side, which can be seen while travelling to the jetty. 
View of the creek with fishing boats from atop a long bridge on the way to Harnai Beach
We climbed up the stairs to reach the lighthouse. The light house is short in height and not in use now. It is closed to the public. The tallest light house I have been in is the one near Fort Aguada in Goa, apart from the ones in Khanderi Fort and Korlai Fort. Not to forget the old and new light houses at Daman
Light House at Kanak Durga Fort, with the jetty on the left
The light house is located atop the hill and offers a wonderful view of the Harnai beach, the houses located along the coast, the fishing boats, Fattegad Fort covered with houses all over, Fortification of Goa Fort and Suvarnadurg Fort and off course the sea. 
Panoramic view of Suvarnadurg, Fattegad, Goa Fort and Harnai Beach from Kanak Durga Light House
Apart from the light house, I couldn't spot any fortifcation around it. Origin's of this fort are unknown but it was built to keep a tab on Suvarnadurg Fort.
Light House at Kanak Durga
It was hot, but we were not feeling the heat as strong winds were blowing. But we did get tan. It took us around 30 minutes to explore the Light House, we then decided to have some lunch as the time was around 1:30 PM on my watch. Later to explore Fattegad, Goa Fort and Suvarnadurg.  
Manohar, Neha and Me with Suvarnadurg in the backdrop

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