
Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Delhi : Nila Gumbad in Humayun Tomb Complex

The  Nila Gumbad is located in the Humayun Tomb Complex, which is located near Sunder Nursery and Sabj Burj on the Mathura Road, the closest railway station being Hazrat Nizammuddin.
Nila Gumbad

Nila Gumbad means blue dome and is located behind Humayun Tomb and very close to the Hazrat Nizamuddin Railway station.

Rohan tole me that a long time the river Yamuna used to flow next to it. I did find that a bit difficult to believe. Centuries ago, it changed its course due to geographic reasons. Now it is replaced by the railway line. 

It was built in  1625 by Abdur Rahim Khan-i-Khana, a noblesman in Akbar's court.

Not sure as to whose grave lies in its premises.
Nila Gumbad
The dome still has some blue tiles on them. The walls of it are made of stone, blue colored ties in various patterns still adore the walls. Entry inside the dome is restricted and there is a watchman standing outside, but his knowledge in history is zero. 

We then headed off to see Khan-I-Khanan's Tomb which is located on the Mathura Road.

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